Retirement Planning for Employees


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Penelope is a retirement platform for small businesses, making 401(k) plans affordable and easy to manage. They use technology to automate plan administration and compliance, integrating with payroll providers for seamless operation. Penelope also provides a user-friendly experience, ensuring accessibility for businesses of all sizes.

Nicholas BreniaPenelope
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Smart Pension

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Smart Pension is a workplace pension tailored specifically for UK businesses. Their employee app will transform the future of pension saving for a new generation. It allows users to pick and choose the most suitable investment funds, track their pension balance in real-time on their phone and increase contribution levels when they can afford to do so – engaging people with their pensions like never before.

Nicholas BreniaSmart Pension
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Profile Pensions

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Profile Pensions’ mission is to help everyone in the UK better understand their pension(s), allowing them to be more informed and ultimately better off in retirement. They provide impartial, expert and ongoing pension advice. You don’t need to be financially savvy to be their customer. You don’t need to be ‘high net worth’. You don’t even need to know anything about your pension. All you need is to want to do something about your financial future. They can help with the rest. Now owned by Moneyfarm Group

Nicholas BreniaProfile Pensions
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PensionBee combines all your old pensions into one new online plan. The application enables its users to create profiles including information on past and present pension and personal information. It allows them to track the pension progress and features a pension calculator to set retirement goals and add new contributions.

Nicholas BreniaPensionBee
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NOW: Pensions

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NOW: Pensions has a clear mission: to help everyone save for a more financially secure future. This means achieving the best financial outcomes for their own members, while fighting for a fair pension system to enable all pension savers the ability to enjoy the retirement they deserve by highlighting pension inequalities and campaigning for change.

Nicholas BreniaNOW: Pensions
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